An Unexpected Adventure Awaits...

Digimon Survive presents a hybrid visual novel and tactical RPG set in a mysterious world filled with dangerous monsters and deadly battles that will test your ability to survive.

After getting lost on a school trip, Takuma Momozuka finds himself transported to a world inhabited by ferocious foes and new allies. Join Takuma and his friends as they fight their way back home. Craft your story in this thrilling visual novel with turn-based combat.

©Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation ©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.

Available Now


Xbox One

Nintendo Switch™


HYDE, Inc.

Visual Novel

Tactical RPG

  • Single-player

A Rich Visual Novel Experience

Unfold a dark tale about friendship and survival that is jam-packed with exciting drama, a unique cast of characters, and potentially grim choices.

A Mysterious World

Explore otherworldly areas filled with hidden secrets and Digimon to recruit.

The Power is Yours

Your choices affect gameplay: you bond with other NPCs, your Digimon's evolution, and the outcome of your adventure.

Thrilling and Strategic Gameplay

Persuade your opponents to join your team and evolve them to fight alongside you in thrilling turn-based battles.


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Opening Movie

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