Boss Battle - Archmagus Vol

June 7, 2018

The Archmagus Vol Boss Battle will be available on Thursday, June 7th 2:00 PM PDT until Tuesday, June 12th 2:00 PM PDT

Boss Battle - Archmagus Vol

A fearsome practitioner of the astral and arcane arts, Archmagus Vol once tricked Zane into betraying his fellow allies. With reckless abandon, Zane will stop at nothing to avenge his fallen brethren even if it means sacrificing his own life. You must not let this fight be his last.

Duelyst Boss Soulstealer Animation

Join Darkspear Zane in his battle against the Archmagus! After breaking free from Vol's possession, he will only listen to his heart, and his heart desires vengeance! Make sure to keep Zane alive, for he is not only a valuable ally but also your sole reason for fighting Archmagus Vol.

Duelyst Boss Vol Battlefield

"Between Zane and I, we have Vol outnumbered!"

Vol did not become an Archmagus from tireless study: he is no stranger to a battlefield. Vol's magic allows him to link the fates of our allies, damaging all of our minions in the process. Zane will also pursue his own agenda: while he appreciates any support you can lend, be careful not to induce a berserk-filled death. When passion runs highs, blood will boil and even the most valiant hearts can lose their way.

Duelyst Boss Vol CardDuelyst Boss Zane Card

"So why should I help Zane defeat Vol?"

If you can help Zane survive this encounter, you will earn a free Core Spirit Orb. In addition to this, you'll also earn a Boss Crate, which is now free to open! Boss Crates contain 1 Random Spirit Orb, 1 Cosmetic Item, and 100 Spirit to help boost your collection.

Can you silence the Archmagus?

Duelyst Boss Vol Callout
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