Boss Battle - The Invader

March 15, 2018

The Invader Battle will be available on Thursday, March 15th, 2:00 PM PST until March 20th,  2:00 PM PST 

Boss Battle - The Invader

The city of Kaero is under attack from an alien invader. The only way to save the city is to pilot an experimental new mech, the Protector. Save as many lives as you can, for every building that falls, the invader grows in power.

Duelyst Boss The Invader Animation

It's time to protect the fair city of Kaero! This Unknown Foreign Obtruder poses a significant risk to all our denizens.

While under extreme threat, with your help Kaero can be saved! They've offered you the Protector Battle Suit in return for salvation.

Duelyst Boss Protector Card

This marvelous feat of technology will keep your General safe within its hardened shell while you duke it out with the Invader.

It's a powerful exoskeleton but not invulnerable, so don't squander this opportunity or you'll find yourself in a metal coffin!

Duelyst Boss Invader Battlefield

“Fear not frail citizens, your savior has arrived!”

For the sake of life on Mythron, as well as yourself, we truly hope you can keep your word!

The Invader is chaotic and ruthless, zapping away at anything and everything. No one, friend or foe, will stand in its way of total annihilation.

To make matters worse, it feeds on this destruction! For every Kaero Tower it topples, it grows in strength.

Be swift and true, the world needs you more than ever!

Duelyst Boss Invader CardDuelyst Boss Kaero Tower Card

“Who knew hero work would be this stressful. Do I at least get a reward?”

Piloting the Protector isn't a charity for first respondent Generals! But if you answer the call and save Kaero, they'll waive the collateral damage fees and you'll earn a free Core Spirit Orb. In addition to this, you'll also earn a Boss Crate, which can be opened with a key purchased from the shop for 500 Diamonds. Each Orb contains a collection of items sure to enhance your Duelyst experience!

Duelyst Boss Invader Callout
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