November 23, 2020
Jump Force
Golden Wind Will Blow Into Character Pack 14!
The latest character for DLC “Character Pack” will be the long awaited Gang Star, Giorno Giovanna from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5!
Xbox One
Nintendo Switch™
The latest character for DLC “Character Pack” will be the long awaited Gang Star, Giorno Giovanna from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5!
A Golden Wind is set to howl across the JUMP FORCE battlefield when JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s Giorno Giovanna, the progeny of DIO by way of Jonathan Joestar’s body, joins the game’s playable roster this spring.
YuYu Hakusho’s Hiei, the Upper S-Class demon and ally of Urameshi Yusuke, will be focusing the gaze of his Jagan upon the JUMP FORCE roster as part of Character Pass 2.