New Volcanic Avenger Pack!
The Lumena Shop has erupted with new costumes and mount! In the heat of battle, you will want to have these new ensembles ready to go before any meltdown occurs.
From now to April 1, you can have all the costumes, weapon skins and mount for 5100 Lumena, a 15% discount! After April 1, these outfits and mount will be in the Lumena Shop for individual purchase. Don't get burned by missing out on this red hot sale!
Volcanic Avenger pack includes:
- Volcanic Avenger Helm
- Volcanic Avenger Armor
- Volcanic Avenger Weapon Appearance Chest
- Obsidian Stalker Mount
Spark fear into your enemies with this pack for 5100 Lumena in the Lumena Shop! Limited time only until April 1, 2021.