Release Notes: The Dimensional Update
The Dimensional Update launches on February 3 at 10:00 AM PST (1:00 PM EST, 18:00 UTC)! Players will need to download a client patch for this update, which will be available once maintenance begins!
The full release notes for this update can be found below:
New Features
Added the new field boss, Twisted Void Soulraiser! It can be found in North Sperios.
Added a new product that allows players to draw Breaths for their class. It can be purchased once per week. Only Draw 10 is possible, and players are guaranteed to obtain 3 Epic Breaths for their class.
The Potential System has been added, and can be accessed through the Potential menu. Use this menu to apply or remove Potential Cores. When applied, the effects of the cores are activated account-wide. You can gain new Potential Cores through the Ancient Altar. Additionally, Potential Cores can be fused at the Fusion Specialist.
Added the Rune Regrant feature, accessed at the Equipment Specialist. This feature requires both Starseed and Alchemy Stones, which can be obtained by salvaging S or S+ rank equipment.
Added the Ancient grade equipment tier! Only S+ rank equipment that is already at Mythic +5 can be upgraded to Ancient grade.
Added a 1vs1 duel system! Players can now challenge other players to duels through the interaction system. The duel begins 10 seconds after the opponent accepts the duel request. The duel lasts for a maximum of 10 minutes, and the player who drops to 0 health or leaves the duel arena will lose the duel. No notoriety will be gained through the duel system.
Players can auto-decline duels. This option can be found by navigating through [System Menu] > [Options] > [Gameplay]. The default is auto-decline.
Dungeon Changes
Added the Dimensional Dungeon! This dungeon is more difficult than normal dungeons, and consists of 10 stages. As players climb up the stages, the difficulty level increases. Just like Time Dungeons, the active Dimensional Dungeon will rotate. Completing the Dimensional Dungeon multiple times will reward you with Dimensional Stones, which can be traded to the Dimensional Stone Trade Merchant in Carzacor for special items.
Added new arenas, lairs, and dungeons to the Time Dungeon rotation.
Arenas: Required Lv.22 / Required GS: 481
- Cursed Knight
- Fiendlord Executioner
Lairs: Required Lv.40 / Required GS: 1516
- Harpy Queen's Nest
- Chamber of the Ancient
- Archon of Fire
- Infernal Execution Grounds
Dungeons: Required Lv.35 / Required GS: 1262
- Rutus Mines - Halls of the Dead
- Savantis Mausoleum - Lich's Respite
Abyssal Dungeons : Required Lv.40 / Required GS: 1516
- Rutus Mines - Halls of the Dead
- Dreamscale Ruins - Hall of the Eclipse
The reward chest for level 40 Time Dungeons can be obtained up to 3 times. The amount of times the reward can be obtained is reset every day.
Doubled the drop rate for S-Rank equipment in the Lv. 35 Time Dungeons.
Added new S+ tier equipment that can be used from level 40 onwards. This new equipment can be obtained from level 40 Time Dungeons.
Equipment Changes
Bound S-tier equipment is now Character Bound instead of Account Bound. Any equipment that is in account storage will be bound to the character that removes it.
The new 'Empire's Unbinding Scroll' is now required to unbind S-tier equipment. This item can be purchased from the Limited Time Merchant with Alchemy Stones.
When S-tier equipment is salvaged at the Soul Pyre, it now provides Alchemy Stones in addition to its normal rewards.
The ability to transcendentalize your Ancient Weapon has been added. Magras the Smith will perform this to upgrade your weapon to S+ tier. This will also change the runes on the weapon.
New accessories, enhancement materials, and Ancient Weapon materials have been added. The new items can be obtained from Dimensional Dungeon chests, Dimensional Dungeon drops, and the Dimensional Stone Trade Merchant.
Blessing / Skill Changes
Included is some developer commentary on why they made these adjustments.
The 'Charge-type' has been deleted from the skill types. Dauntless Charge and Daring Assault are now classified as Strike-type skills.
Gift of Valor
"Due to the deletion of the charge-type, effects related to the charge-type have been changed to the strike-type."
- Brave Assault: Changed so that the effect that reduces the cooldown of charge-type skills now reduces the cooldown of strike-type skills
- The Eternal Warrior: Changed so that the effect that increases the damage of charge-type skills now increase the damage of strike-type skills
Mark of the Wolf
"It was easy to inflict Bleeding, but the damage was weak. Excess Bleeding was extremely weak compared to the amount of preparation required. Even if Excess Bleeding was applied, it was difficult to maintain, therefore it was an effect that didn’t really matter much. Hence the damage of Excess Bleeding has been increased to the extent where it will make an impact, and the core mechanism of Bleeding and Excess Bleeding was changed so that maintaining the effect longer maintains greater damage."
- Fang of the Wolf: Increase the damage of Bleeding by twice the amount.
- Howl of the Wolf: The duration of Bleeding and Excess Bleeding is extended when Shout-type skills are used.
- Razor Claw: Increase the damage of Excess Bleeding by 6.5 times the amount.
"It was difficult to inflict sufficient damage due to the low damage of shout-type skills and the Warcry > Great Sweeping Slash > Spinning Slash combo, which can be viewed as a core mechanism. Therefore improvements were made to increase the damage so it can become a meaningful selection."
- Roar of the Lion: Increase the damage of shout-type skills from 160-320% of Attack Power to 224-448% of Attack Power.
- Shout: Changed so that the damage of the Roar>Great Sweeping Slash>Spinning Slash combo is increased by 24-144% instead of 20-120% when the shout-type effect is applied.
Changed the last attack of the Balanced Strike Combo from Tornado (slash-type) to Carnage (shock-type).
- Blood Leech: Added an effect that increases the amount healed when skill is progressed. Now levels 1-4 heal 0.5%, level 5-9 heal 1%, and level 10 heals 1.5%. However the effect that heals more than expected when a Critical Hit is made during Blood Leech, has been modified to only heal twice the basic amount healed.
- Extinction: Modified the values of damage dispersion applied when attacking multiple enemies so that a bit more AoE damage can be inflicted.
- Overpower: Modified the values of damage dispersion applied when attacking multiple enemies so that a bit more AoE damage can be inflicted..
"Beast Lord's Attack, Beast Lord's Advance and Consecutive Strike are powerful when stacked. But, the amount of time for stacking is so short that it is difficult to learn unless the Blessing is progressed. The basic mechanism requiring repetitive use of shock-type and slash-type skills remains the same, but the effects duration was increased to make maintaining the stacks easier even if the player is in a situation where they cannot attack. The max stack of Beast Lord's Attack, and Beast Lord's Advance effect were reduced so they can be stacked even faster. The Balanced Strike Combo’s changes can also be easily stacked, so it should be helpful."
- Beast Lord's Attack: Slightly increased the duration of Attack Warning in lower levels from 3-15 sec to 4-15 sec. Increased the duration of Beast Lord's Attack effect from 4.5-14 sec to 8-24 sec. Changed the max stack of the Beast Lord's Attack effect from 5 to 4, and the Critical Hit rate increase per stack from 20% to 25%.
- Beast Lord's Advance: Slightly increased the duration of Advance Warning in lower levels from 3-15 sec to 4-15 sec. Increased the duration of Beast Lord's Advance from 4.5-14 sec to 8-24 sec. Changed the max stack of the Beast Lord's Advance effect from 5 to 4, and the Attack Speed increase per stack from 2% to 2.5%.
- Consecutive Strike: Increase the duration of Consecutive Strike effect from 3-12.5 sec to 7-20 sec.
Crescent Moon
"There are a variety of risks involved when using Extinction, but the damage is disappointing. It was changed so that equipping The Crescent Moon will not only reduce the risks of Extinction, but it will also be used with other shout-type skills so that it will become a Blessing suitable for facing multiple enemies with AoE attacks."
- Raging Hunger: Reduced the cooldown and HP reduction of Rage: Extinction by 25-85%, and charge time by 50%. If Rage: Extinction successfully hits at full charge, it will increase the Berserker’s Attack Speed by 15%, and Attack Power by 50-150% for 15 sec.
- Suppress Pain: Overpower stacks up to 2 times. If Overpower is used to attack enemies when Raging Hunger and Blood Leech are applied, the effects of Raging Hunger and Blood Leech are increased by 0.7-4 sec per target hit. This effect is applied up to a max of 3-5 targets at once.
- Overcome Pain: There is a 27.5-100% chance of reducing the cooldown of shout-type skills if attacking an enemy while Blood Leech is applied. In addition, if fully charged Rage: Extinction hits an enemy with Movement Speed reduction applied, the enemy will be stunned for 2-3 sec.
- Imposing: Increases the damage of shout-type skills by 20-100%, and Defense by 225-5000.
Gift of Valor
"Although Tempest Shot is a core skill it did not inflict enough damage, and the process of stacking Flashing was boring. Changes were made to increase the damage of Tempest Shot so that it can be an established core skill. A method to quickly stack Flashing was also added to allow Tempest Shot be used comfortably."
- Ramming Arrow: Changed so that the damage of Tempest Shot is increased by 37.5-350% instead of 15-140%.
- Sharpshooter: Added an effect where Flashing is immediately stacked by 8 when Bottomless Quiver is used.
- Neural Stimulation: Changed the requirements of reducing the cooldown of Tempest Shot from when the combo hits, to when rush-type and double shot-type combos and skills hit.
Mark of the Wolf
"Due to the special arrows mechanism there is a lot of freedom in terms of skill composition compared with other Blessings. However the overall damage was also lower because it did not clearly strengthen a specific skill. This is why improvements were made so that a more powerful performance can be reached if there are special arrows."
- Fully Prepared: Changed so that the amount of Attack Power is increased by 17.25-69% instead of 15-60% when one has special arrows.
"This is a Blessing that weakens the enemy to obtain damage instead of making the user more powerful. Until now, it only weakened the enemy enough to obtain damage similar to the degree of other Blessings. Enhanced the Scarred effect to inflict even more damage on the enemy."
- Threat of the Beast: Changed so that the amount of damage received is increased by 4.59 ~ 10.48% instead of 3.5 ~ 8% per Scarred stack.
Gift of Valor
"After it has been progressed, players can effectively stack the Frozen Solid effect with Blizzard. However since this Blessing is obtained early on, the effects are centered around Frost Spike and Frost Nova, making it difficult to actively use Blizzard. It has now been modified so that the charge effect is applied to all frost-type skills. A mechanism that allows for more frequent usage of arcane-type skills so that Ice Breaking can be used more often."
- Frost Circulation: Changed so that the effect that only stacked Frost Spike, now stacks all frost skills. In addition, the effect that immediately charged Frost Spike when Frost Nova hits has been removed. In return an effect that reduces the cooldown of arcane-type skills at a chance when frost-type skills are used to attack enemies was added.
"We think that mechanisms surrounding Flame-type skills are not bad. However we are not satisfied with the damage. The damage increased by Chain Explosion and Madness of Fire were strengthened so that they become more meaningful choices."
- Chain Explosion: Changed the damage increase of Chain Explosion and Meteor from 20-100% to 28-138% from.
- Madness of Fire: Changed the damage increase of meteors from 20-100% from 28-138%.
Crescent Moon
"It is difficult to compile only skills of one type due to this Blessing’s characteristic of using both arcane and flame-type skills. This means that even if the Detection effect lasts a long time, if a skill from one type is used, the Detection effect becomes meaningless until the cooldown returns. It has been modified so that the enhanced skills of the type can be used more frequently while Detection is applied."
- Elemental Detection: Increased the damage of Flame Detection and Arcane Detection from 100-300% to 108-324%. Added an effect that reduces the cooldown of skills of the same type by 50% while the Detection effect is active.
Blades of Justice: This skill is now classified as both holy bolt-type and smite-type.
Healing Sphere: Balance adjustment -
- The HP recovery effect has been increased slightly.
- Continuous healing effect: Inner Light effect is removed.
- The level 5 skill's continuous healing effect, 'Holy Healing', lasts 10 seconds.
- When the skill is upgraded to Lv.10 and 15, the 'Holy Healing' effect is strengthened.
Gift of Valor
"It was somewhat insufficient by only increasing the Critical Hit Rate. Added effect that also increases Critical Hit Damage to Trance so that when a Critical Hit is made it deals more damage. Additionally classifying Blades of Justice as smite-type helps increase damage."
- Trance: Changed so that Critical Hit Rate increases by 4% instead of 3.5%, and Critical Hit Damage by 15% per stack.
"The simple mechanism of activating Judgment then only attacking was to a point intended. However damage was weak and it became a Blessing that was only easy because there was no effect that increased damage. Damage was increased while the existing mechanism was maintained so that players can be faster and aggressive when playing in a party."
- Fervor: Increased the changes of applying the Fervor effect from 10-30% to 30-75%. Increased Movement Speed increase per Fervor effect stack from 1% to 2.5%. Added an effect where if the Fervor effect is applied again when the Fervor effect is stacked to the max, the cooldown of smite-type skills is reduced by 1 sec.
- Executioner: Changed the effect that reduced the cooldown of smite-type skills to one that increases the damage of smite-type skills by 20-100%
Battlefield / Arena Changes
The PvP season 'Rising Dawn' has begun. During this season, players can take part in Battlefield and Arena challenges. These challenges consist of four stages of twelve missions each. Each stage must be completed in order. Rewards are given for clearing each mission, as well as completing a stage. Additionally, players can complete weekly missions in the Battlefield or Arena. These missions reset every Monday.
Battlefield/Arena ranks will be reset once the season is over.
When entering the Arena, players will have their HP, Attack Power, and Defense adjusted, regardless of their base stats or level. However, additional stats from equipment will still be added after this adjustment.
Battlefield changes:
- Resurrection cooldown time has been changed from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
- Capture time has been reduced from 10 seconds to 7 seconds.
- Temporary base occupation time has been reduced from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
- Points gained from occupied bases has been increased.
S-Rank equipment has been added to the PvP faction merchants, and can be purchased using Victory Tokens.
Marketplace Changes
Adjusted listing fees so that only items sold successfully have their listing fee returned. Listing fees for items that are canceled or expired will not be returned.
If a stack of items is only partially sold, and the rest are canceled or expired, the listing fee will be returned.
When registering an item for sale on the Marketplace, if the price registered is a certain amount higher than the average transaction price over the last 3 days, then the time it is shown on the sales list will be extended.
A new Max Price Limit and Minimum Price Limit feature has been applied. Items cannot be registered if their price exceeds the item's max price, or if their price is below the item's minimum price. Each item's minimum and maximum price can be viewed in the item's information.
A number of items can no longer be sold on the Marketplace:
- Equipment below tier B
- Equipment Blueprints below tier B
- Consumables below the uncommon grade
- Consumable Blueprints below uncommon grade
- Fishing Tools Crafting Blueprint
- Appearance Cards
- Dyes
- Toy consumables from the Union shop
- Dungeon Sealed Chests
- Estate structure Blueprints (Blueprint / Installation Kit)
- Estate Worker Contracts
- Booster items (excluding the 4 below)
- PvE Combat XP Boost Ticket (7 Days)
- SXP Boost Ticket (7 Days)
- Gold Boost Ticket (7 Days)
- Advanced Star Seed 40% Booster (7 Days)
Quest Changes
The quest time and reset timer for standard Region Quests (excluding Elite and Unique Field Boss quests) in all regions has been changed to 24 hours.
All types of Prestige Quests, including repeatable quests, have a duration of 3 days. They will reset every seven days. The option to reset the Prestige Quest objectives has been removed.
Each Prestige Quest's Duration and Reset time are as follows:
- Carzacor: Mon, Tue, Wed (Reset the following Monday)
- Navarra: Tue Wed Thur (Reset the following Tuesday)
- Gnoll Wastes: Wed Thu Fri (Reset the following Wednesday)
- Triestezza: Thu Fri Sat (Reset the following Thursday)
- Herbati: Fri Sat Sun (Reset the following Friday)
- Jungle Tribal: Sat Sun Mon (Reset the following Saturday)
- Madaan: Sun Mon Tues (Reset the following Sunday)
Removed the existing fishing tutorial quest and replaced it with a new tutorial quest instead, which begins from the Shabiki Spottedfin Puller instead of from the fishing merchant. Players who have already completed or are still in progress with the previous tutorial may complete the new tutorial instead. The quest begins from the Shabiki Spottedfin Puller instead of from the fishing merchant.
Minor adjustments were made to a number of Navarra quests.
Added Aiden-related quests in the Gnoll Wasted, Tristezza, and the Padana Ruins.
Some quest items that used to appear in the Consumables category are now considered 'quest materials' and made unusable:
- Rudovico's Bag
- Scaly Hide
- Snake Egg
Quality of Life Improvements
Added a new Enemy Target indicator. This will show up to ten red dot indicators on-screen, showing nearby enemies outside of the camera's line of sight that are targeting the player. Enemies that are invisible will not appear on the indicator.
The enhancement success rate for rare-quality equipment was increased to 100%. The success rate for epic, legendary, and mythic up to +2 was also increased.
When enhancement fails, the bonus applied is adjusted by the quality of the equipment that failed.
Reduced the chances of equipment being destroyed by the unlicensed enhancer, but they now require enhancement and upgrade stones.
The Soulraiser Revenant, Osis, Ursa, the Phantom Duke, and the Bone Dragon have a respawn time of 30 minutes.
Improved how schedule information is displayed in the Time Dungeon schedule UI.
Added a new Materials tab that only stores materials to the inventory and warehouse. When material items are obtained, they will be shown first in the inventory or storage's material tab.
Added a feature that Expands and Collapses the item categories in the Inventory Bag and in the Marketplace.
A system message has been added when items cannot be added to the Warehouse.
Modified fishing hotspots to be wider.
Increased the taming chance when using the Taming Call item. The duration has been reduced from 30 minutes to 10 minutes.
The Estate decorations' effect that increases the taming chance has been increased. The duration has been reduced from 1 hour to 30 mins.
Increased the completion rewards for Ostium, and Eidolon Forest region side quests because they were below the standard.
When specific effects are enhanced or activated due to an equipped Blessing, it will now be shown in the UI.
Improved the quest HUD so that if a quest with multiple stages is being displayed, only the current quest goal and stage will be shown.
Adjusted the crafting material drops for unique field monsters to be unaffected by level scaling. Now the materials they drop won't be affected by level scaling, allowing high level players to obtain low tier crafting materials.
When a skill has been upgraded to the max level, and then increased further due to the effect of items, the additional increase in the skill level is shown in the Skill UI.
In the Skill UI, the order in which skills are shown has been changed to:
- currently equipped skills
- obtained skills
- skills that can be obtained
- skills that cannot be obtained.
Active and Passive indicators in the Skill and Blessing UI have been removed.
When selecting 'Redraw' at the Ancient Altar, the icon and costs for Lumena and Starseed are now visible.
Updated UI for the Fusion Menu and added a 'Fuse All' option to allow fusing Blessing breaths in bulk.
Added a tutorial for switching channels. Added a system message that says you can't switch channels when entering an instanced field.
Misc Changes
The achievement 'In Rare Form' has been changed to 'A Truly Rare Outfit' and now requires the player to equip equipment that is all above Rare quality.
The achievement 'A Truly Epic Outfit' now requires the player to equip equipment that is all above Epic quality.
Increased the grade of the 'Dapper Dreadnight Warg' mount, increasing its number of sprints from 2 to 3. This mount is available from the Halloween Event.
Sophisticated Repair tools have been added to the Limited Time Merchant.
Adjustments have been made to gathering/mining/logging balance:
- The location density of herbs, ores, and tree objects within the world is lowered, and the respawn frequency is random.
- Increased the amount of gathering/mining/logging gatherables that can be obtained at once.
- Increased the material rewards of specially spawned monsters from gathering/mining/logging.
- Changed the effects that doubled the amount of items obtained from gathering/mining/logging to 'Gathering result +1'.
Added Beggar NPCs across Tristezza. Players may be blessed by showing them mercy.
Added the Shabiki Spottedfin Puller fishing NPC to all regions.
When a character is in combat mode, they can no longer use the Telepost.
If a character does not have Telepost tickets, that option does not show up in the Telepost info tab.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where, after successful party matchmaking, a character failed to enter matchmaking due to a loading screen, death, telepost use, etc, the failure to enter matchmaking content would continue.
Fixed an issue where the Cocoon Piles summoned by the Twisted Void Spider Queen sometimes cannot be seen.
Fixed an issue where the reset time for the additional rewards was displayed incorrectly within the Time Dungeon schedule.
Fixed an issue where effects that increase a character's max hp (Blessing Passive, Class Passive, etc) did not apply when changing channels.
A grace period to purchase items in the Guild Depot after joining a guild has been applied. After the grace period, guild members can make purchases from the Guild Depot. The grace period varies for different items and can be shown in the depot.
Fixed an issue where the quest location is not accurately shown after the goal changes when performing the quest The Battle for Navarra.
Fixed an issue where the 'Guardian' costume shoulderguards are displayed abnormally when equipped by a human male.
Fixed an issue where Beroran's Invasion rewards were giving out The Ivory Dune's invasion rewards instead.
Fixed an issue where S rank equipment, even when unbound, couldn't be registered in the Marketplace.
Fixed an issue with the Court of Ravens quest Rejected Refugees where Veronica's location was not properly marked with a quest marker in the world map and minimap.
Fixed an issue with the Touch of Syrania 2 quest where the quest goal was displayed incorrectly. It now correctly says to catch a Cigar Wrasse instead of a Pinkspot Crimson Seabream.
Fixed an issue where even if you defeat Roving Specters during the regional quest Unwelcome Guests, the quest goal could not be completed.
Fixed an issue where Coby is hidden by terrain objects if you talk to him during the Crafting Promotion quest.
Fixed an issue where Zelan is hidden by terrain objects if you talk to him during the Dungeon related quest.
Fixed an issue where the camera presentation that appears when the Bone Dragon flies up to the sky, turns around, and breathes out Beryl fire was only applied to a small number of players. It is now applied to more players.
Fixed an issue where the attack timing and animation of some of the harpy monsters in Navarra and the Gnoll Wastes did not match.
Fixed an issue where the Black Knight's arena unintentionally allowed users outside to be involved in combat. Now the Black Knight no longer recognizes users outside of the arena and will not be involved with combat.
Fixed an issue where, when a Mage uses either the 'Meteor' or 'Blizzard' skill, they intermittently would not draw their weapon.
Fixed so that the Outlaw Fortress's Joaquin's quest does not disappear when completed, so that if in the quest, 'Lost And Found' is completed first, the 'Gathering Evidence' quest can still be completed.
Fixed an issue where the quest, 'A Comrade's Keepsakes' can be accepted again even though it was completed.
Fixed an issue where the quest market for the quest 'Taken for Granite' was shown in 3 different places.
Fixed so that the NPC that assists in reentering Gideon's dungeon shows a quest marker after leaving Gideon's dungeons while progressing through Kannus Valley's main story quest.
Fixed an issue where, intermittently, Thunder Wyvern's charge skill would lead the monster to an abnormal location.
Fixed an issue where the Volcanic Wyvern, Thunder Wyvern, and Stonescale Wyvern would reset after using a charge skill during combat.
Crusader > The Crescent Moon Blessing > Armed Frontline effect > Fixed an issue where the effect that increases Counterattack damage due to Armed Frontline was not applied.
Ranger > Mark of the Wolf Blessing > Fully Prepared effect > Fixed an issue where the level 5 progression value was incorrect.
Fixed an issue where items were displayed with a mix of registered and unregistered items in the Marketplace's Purchase tab.
Known Issues
There is an issue where, when Ancient grade 'Seeking Eye' accessories and 'Resentful' accessories are equipped together, intermittently only one of the accessories effects will be applied.